

The Ecosoc News Monitor

22 August 2008

Need for Immigration office in Nunukan

Star, Friday August 22, 2008

KOTA KINABALU: Indonesia hopes that Malaysia will open an Immigration Department office in Pulau Nunukan to facilitate the entry of migrant workers into the Sabah east coast district of Tawau.

Acting Indonesian Consul General Rudhito Widagdo said, with a Malaysian Immigration office in Nunukan, various Malaysian authorities would aware of the entry of Indonesian nationals into Sabah.

He said, under present entry methods, Indonesian nationals entered Sabah via Tawau before being taken to the plantations where they worked.

Rudhito said that, under the present system, it appeared that only the Immigration office in Tawau was aware of the entry of Indonesian workers.

“It seems that the Immigration office in Kota Kinabalu, Chief Minister’s Department, Labour Department and Special Federal Task Force do not have the full picture,” he said at a gathering to mark Indonesia’s independence day at the consulate here recently.