

The Ecosoc News Monitor

01 March 2008

MoU antara Deplu RI dan ILO tentang Kerjasama Pelatihan Diplomat untuk Perlindungan TKI

Deplu RI, 13 Feb 2008 14:58

Penandatanganan Naskah MoU antara Deplu dan ILO tentang Kerjasama
Pelatihan bagi Pejabat Dinas Luar Negeri di Bidang Promosi dan
Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia

No. 03/PR/II/2008/53

Pada hari Selasa tanggal 12 Februari 2008 bertempat di Ruang
Nusantara, Departemen Luar Negeri, telah ditandatangani Naskah MOU
antara Departemen Luar Negeri dan International Labour Organization
(ILO) tentang Kerjasama Pelatihan untuk Pejabat Dinas Luar Negeri di
bidang promosi dan perlindungan pekerja migran Indonesia.
Penandatanganan Naskah MoU tersebut dilakukan oleh Sekretaris Jenderal
Departemen Luar Negeri, Imron Cotan, dan Direktur ILO di Jakarta, Alan

MoU ini merupakan kerjasama tahap kedua antara Deplu dan ILO yang
pada intinya bertujuan memberikan pelatihan bagi peningkatan
kapasitas para pelaku diplomasi RI di bidang promosi dan perlindungan
pekerja migran Indonesia. Dalam kerjasama tahap pertama yang
ditandatangani pada tangggal 10 Juli 2006 telah dilakukan beberapa
kegiatan seperti: development of Modules of the Training, Training of
Trainers (TOT), Supervised Training dan lokakarya tentang
perlindungan TKI di Perwakilan RI di luar negeri.

Kegiatan-kegiatan dalam MoU kedua ini akan terdiri dari pelatihan
singkat tentang perlindungan dan pelayanan pekerja migran Indonesia di
luar negeri serta pelatihan promosi dan pemasaran tenaga kerja
Indonesia untuk kesempatan kerja yang lebih baik di luar negeri.
Selain itu, modul-modul yang diberikan pada kedua diklat ini juga
akan diintegrasikan dalam kurikulum diklat reguler diplomatik Sekdilu,
Sesdilu dan Sesparlu serta akan diproyeksikan untuk pembekalan para
staf pada lokakarya tentang perlindungan dan pelayanan pekerja migran
di Perwakilan Ri di luar negeri.

Untuk pelatihan tersebut, ILO akan menyediakan beberapa nara sumber
ILO dan pakar mengenai penanganan berbagai permasalahan yang dihadapi
TKI dalam hal bantuan hukum, counselling, pelatihan keterampilan,
psikososial traumatik, methodologi dan cara-cara promosi dan pemasaran
tenaga kerja serta pelayanan lainnya, berdasarkan international best

Dalam sambutannya, Sekretaris Jenderal Deplu menyampaikan bahwa
program pelatihan ini merupakan kerjasama yang tepat dan produktif
untuk membantu peningkatan kapasitas pejabat dinas luar negeri dalam
melaksanakan perlindungan dan pelayanan serta membantu promosi dan
pemasaran pekerja migran Indonesia di luar negeri. Para diplomat
diharapkan mampu dan lebih responsif menangani berbagai permasalahan
yang dihadapi TKI. Disamping itu, diplomat RI juga dituntut untuk
membuat strategi promosi dan marketing guna menangkap peluang-peluang
yang dapat dimanfaatkan dalam menyalurkan TKI potensial bekerja di
luar negeri.

Akhirnya, Sekretaris Jenderal menyampaikan penghargaan yang
setinggi-tingginya kepada ILO atas kerjasamanya yang baik dalam ikut
mencarikan solusi atas pemasalahan yang makin kompleks dihadapi
pekerja migran Indonesia. Terlaksanannya MOU ini merupakan kerjasama
yang bermanfaat dan produktif bagi kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan bagi
TKI di luar negeri.

Jakarta, 12 Pebruari 2008
Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan
Departemen Luar Negeri

Remarks by H.E. Mr. Imron Cotan at the Signing Ceremony of the MoU
between Department of Foreign Affair and ILO concerning Capacity
Building Training of Foreign Service Personnel on Promotion and
Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers

Jakarta, 12 February 2008

Mr. Alan Boulton, Director of ILO Jakarta,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am greatly pleased and honoured to have signed on behalf of the
Department of Foreign Affairs, the Memorandum of Understanding between
the International Labour Organization and the Department concerning
Capacity Building Training of Foreign Service Personnel on Promotion
and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers.

We in the Department are deeply grateful to Mr. Alan Boulton, Director
of ILO Jakarta, for his initiative and the cooperation he extended to
us that led to the signing of this important MoU. I would also like to
commend the Centre for Education and Training of the Department for
its essential contributions to this endeavour.

This is the second MoU to be signed between the ILO and the
Department. Under the first MOU, several training programmes for the
diplomatic staff on the rights of migrant workers and their protection
have been completed.

The ILO and the Department's Centre for Education and Training have
also jointly conducted the training of trainers, training of
supervisors, and workshops in our embassies and consulates abroad on
the protection of migrant workers.

Moreover, the ILO has developed the training materials on serving
migrant workers for regular diplomats and other categories of
Department officials.

Those were the activities in the first phase of our cooperation with the ILO.

The launching of the second phase of our cooperation with the signing
of this second MoU could not have been more timely. Let me explain.

Indonesian migrant workers are fast growing in number and the earnings
that they regularly send home have brought a better life for their
families. They are also significantly contributing to national
economic development. In a very real sense, Indonesian migrant workers
are our economic heroes.

But they are heroes facing formidable problems. They are in need of
help and we who are in business of diplomacy are called upon to help

Their problems are numerous and complex and have become serious
national issues. The Indonesian public is aware of these issues and is
demanding prompt and effective solutions.

Of course, it is necessary that Indonesian migrant workers be provided
legal protection. But the underlying problems must also be addressed.
These include the migrant workers' lack of skills, education and
awareness of their rights and obligations.

They particularly need to be knowledgeable on work opportunities, the
language of the receiving country, money transactions, work and
immigration regulations and social security. We must therefore empower
them with these knowledge and skills.

The Government of Indonesia has therefore responded to that crying
need. Presidential Decree number 06/2006 mandates the reform of the
system of placement and protection of the Indonesian workers. The
Department of Foreign Affairs and other Indonesian representatives in
foreign countries have given the highest priority to the protection of
Indonesian workers abroad.

Thus we recently established Citizens Service Units in several
embassies and consulates as pilot projects. The idea is to provide
faster, more convenient and friendly services designed to improve the
plight of our workers abroad.

We accomplished plenty under the first MoU. This time I expect that
we will deliver even more robust help to our migrant workers. The new
MoU provides a firm foundation for innovative and more effective
policies. And some of its provisions have tremendous possibilities.
For instance, it provides for training of Foreign Service personnel on
labour promotion and marketing. This means that our diplomats of our
Citizens' Service Centres in our foreign missions will soon be able to
'sell' the skills of our human resources in the highly competitive
labour markets abroad.

They will be able to accurately gauge labour demand and raise the
quality and profile of Indonesian migrant workers to match the demand.

The skills training and education components of the second phase of
our cooperation will help improve the competitiveness of Indonesian
workers in the global labour market. At the same time, training of
Foreign Service personnel in labour promotion and marketing will open
up new employment opportunities for Indonesian migrant workers.

We will, of course, depend on the ILO to provide lecturers and
resource persons as well as training materials for this effort. There
will have to be lectures on legal assistance, counseling, skills
training and other services expected of the Foreign Service personnel.
The modules and curricula will have to be based on international best

Every Indonesian should therefore be glad that the ILO is working hard
in this country.

The benefits that will be reaped from this cooperation between the ILO
and the Department are broad and far-reaching.

In the first place, we will be ensuring that the Indonesian migrant
worker is no longer a victim of circumstance and exploiters. If we are
proud of him today because of his contributions to the national
economy, we will even be prouder of him when he has undergone
extensive training.

Because of his new knowledge and skills, he will have full dignity as
a human being. He will be a more valuable asset to his employer and a
contributor not only to the economy of his own country but to the
economy of the host country. He will be contributing to the growth of
friendship, mutual understanding and mutual respect between his
country, Indonesia, and the host country.

Thus he will also be Indonesia's ambassador of goodwill wherever he is
employed, and a hero to the cause of international understanding.

I thank you.