

The Ecosoc News Monitor

19 September 2008

Woman activist suggests more socialization of children`s protection bill

09/19/08 03:14

Yogyakart (ANTARA News)
- Chairperson of the Women Studies Centre (PSW) of the Gadjah Mada University (UGM) of Yogyakarta, Siti Hariti Sastriyani, said here Thursday that the children`s protection bill need to be socialized more since many parents had yet to know and understand their children`s rights.

One of the violation against children`s right was pushing them excessively to study hard in school without giving the children time to play.

However, she said, it is understandable if parents wanted their children to have the best education.

"Therefore, we need to see the children`s psychology. If they enjoy school, it will be no poblem. On the contrary, if the children`s feel depressed, parents need to accommodate this," she said.

When parents kept forcing their children to be the best at school, the children might become under pressure. This, she said, was an example of psychological abuse of children.

Therefore, she urged parents to be very careful when introducing education to their children, especially to the very young, because education at this age was supposed to be fun and entertaining instead of placing the children under pressure.(*)